Friday, October 26, 2012

Ode to BMX

Finally!! I have started to use my new website. From this site you can only find memories :)

Oh, those green days are past...

Friday, October 19, 2012

BC -period

This time BC doesn't mean Before Christ. By BC -period I mean "basic condition -period". I have had hard time with learning that you should not neglect bc!

Some time ago I was truly thinking that I do not need any long-running or cycling. Race lasts less than one minute, so best way to get myself handle it was doing uphill-sprints. Or in Kungsbacka we did two laps without stopping, after that racing one lap at the time is easy. I always was able to make it to finnish line without problems.

Season has ended times ago. Since that I have been doing everything to recover. But still I'm not there. I have been practicing without recovering for too long. I have learned for good why it's important to have good basic condition! Without it I can't practice on track as much as I want.

When I got my last races I got so bad pain in my leg muscles that I was not able to sleep at night! Now when I started to practice little more pain came back. Still I'm not doing miracles with my practicing. Here is the basic week program to run thru BC -period:

Mon: 75min jogging, averige heart rate 130-140
Ti: Gym (7 drifts 20 x 3, every different drift once, 60sec pause between rounds)
Wed: 75min jogging, averige heart rate 130-140
To: Gym
Pe: 45min jogging, AHR 150-160
La: 60min easy sports (jogging, playing..)

On gym ofcourse need to warm up and warm down. And stretching should be done with every practice.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I have ordered my bikes for next season! Riding with RedLine, there is no doubt about it. Only small change from last season: this time I ordered carbon flight :) Just amazing bike!!!


Retkikunnan paikka
I were at Arena expo. BMX track was invited to come and show out their track at expo. There was competition about building sports arena using some old. Bmx track in Lahti is made on old trotting track. Track has been in action 10 years only by volunteering efford!

There were many other cool things, too bad I didn't take any photos. Forexamble there were climbing wall which worked like treatmill, frisbee gold places, minitennis..

I also sell my both bikes (ilmari and Nestori). I would like to give both bikes as a memory but those will get bored when they don't get to the track.. and my mum is still having some hard time with my staff :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Horrible crash!! I woke up? I hear nothing; I guess they would scream if someone got hurt. Again nothing, almost too silent. I'm about to fall a sleep, but then I realize that it sounded like my bike which I have left in kitchen. (My mum and dad has been super patient with me and my things while I have been at their home). Anyway, idea of my bike falling over, gets me up.

Now my consciens is bothering me, cos it was only my bike what fell down. Also I feel bad cos I haven't have time to practice enough, almost not at all. I started to import Strider bikes to Finland so that business is taking my time. And making new sponsor-deals has been pretty heavy job too.

Sponsor, co-operation deals. It's not that what many people thinks. For me it has been hard to make new deals, because I'm not in one place that long. Commonly you need to go to ask someone if they wants to be your sponsors. They take your flyer and tells you that they gonna think about it. Before you can do that you have to think what you have for them to offer and what you are asking from them? After couple weeks you can go back to the same place and ask them what they have decided. After they like your idea and wants to start co-operation with you, starts the real work. I think that is important thing to know. Pretty much only sponsor what you gonna have in your life, who is sponsoring you just because of being you, is your parents.. Sorry.. :)

How ever, it's not absolutely impossible. When I was kid I had one car sales being my sponsor. I just walked in and ask. I got 500marks (our currency before euros) and nice products :)

Thank you for my sponsors for the last season! Fox Head, RedLine, Suunto, KooKenkä and Intersport!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


So season 2013 have started. I have made new website for myself. Future Champion of BMX -blog is history. New websites are almost ready, soon I'm gonna start to use those. You can go check those out:

Like I told it's not 100% ready. At the same time I'm making new sponsoring deals. It's tuff!! I wish you all welcome to help me out with getting sponsors for next season :) Atleast you can try to sell some Striders thru Strider Finland website. That would help me out :)

Also I'm checking out for new bikes. Still I haven't decide if I'm gonna have carbon model. RedLine I'm going to have, that is for sure. I think I'm never gonna change RedLine. My last season bikes are on sale. So if someone wants those just let me know.. It's RedLine Flight Pro XL 2012 and RedLine Flight 24' 2012.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Olympic park made of Legos. BMX track is on front
On vacation in London. After I started race random gates, my life has been full of random set :) I came to London just because of diggerland. Diggerland is theme park is place where everyone can use excavators.

I don't skip practice even on holydays

 There was all kind of different things (works) to make and also "normal" theme park things, like sitting in bucket and witch spins.. After that you can go puke :) Kids where totally crazy about these. Well I was going crazy too.. Some machines you had to be shorter than 140cm that was pretty lame. To not make this sound too fool I can tell you that some of those where designed for adults..

I was trying to get to see Olympic BMX track, but it's gonna take 1-2months that it opens for public.

Yes, and I feel little bit bad that I haven't been writing that much lately. Actually I have had too much thing to say and that makes me think that I can't write every day.. Suddenly I notice that I haven't write anything for long time..or like a week I mean :)

Some photos of BMX race in Lahti. Race where organized by eliminator system. The one who loses the heat is out of the competion.. It looked fun but maybe next time you could have two chances. Then it's gonna ask some physical condition :)

Even the weather wasn't special there where pretty many riders.